GERAD-LIBERIA, INC. is a Liberian NGO that has been dedicated to environmental protection, disaster risk management, biodiversity, climate, agriculture, gender equality, and human rights since 2016. Our work focuses on the local community and the protection of our natural resources. We strive to create a sustainable future for Liberia and its citizens.

United Nation Peace Building Fund (PBF) Land-Governance Project
Project Title: “Enhancing peace and social cohesion through the promotion of equitable access to and use of land for rural women in conflict prone communities and concession areas”
Project Focus: the empowerment of women in land governance both as a means of addressing their continued marginalization and also as a strategy to increase social cohesion in communities and ii) addressing specific problems and conflicts in concessions areas, taking into consideration the “agenda of business and human rights” and the urgent socio-economic needs of these communities
Project Duration: 3 years (2023 -2025)
Indigenous People Assistant Facility (IPAF) Project
Donor: SAMBURU WOMEN TRUST of Kenya and supported by IFAD.​
Project Title: Advancing indigenous peoples’ conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity for adaptation and resilience to climate change.
Project Goal: To Advance indigenous peoples’ conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity for adaptation and resilience to climate change
Duration: January 2024- Dec 2025
Social and environmental Impact Assessment and Biodiversity-Conservation Research at the East Nimba Natural Reserve
Supported by COPDA, GERAD-LIBERIA conducted a significant project in the East Nimba Natural Reserve. Our mission encompassed evaluating the social and environmental consequences of mining, coupled with biodiversity conservation research. Our goal was to comprehend mining's impact on Nimba County communities and establish sustainable resource management strategies for their welfare and environmental preservation.